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A Word from DocSarah
This web site aims to raise awareness of arachnoiditis by contact with other health professionals in various specialties, improve recognition of the condition, find better ways of managing it and reduce the number of avoidable new cases. We aim to inform people with the condition in the hope of improving their understanding and thus help them manage their lives with arachnoiditis. I do not give individualised medical advice, and I do not promote any specific treatment.

Top 5 Articles



1.Muscle Twitching
3.Prognosis of Arachnoiditis
4.Difficulty Swallowing (Dysphagia)
5.Pins and Needles
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Pre Xmas rush

Pre-Xmas rush..

I’m afraid I can get a bit Scrooge like at this stage, when shopping seems to be more like battling with marauding hordes of beserkers than something people talk about as ‘retail therapy’: that sort of therapy sounds like having a Japanese lady walk up and down your spine: makes you wince! Actually I did have that done to me once, when I was 18 and shared a room in France with a lovely Japanese girl called Sachiko. Surprisingly, the manouevre didn’t hurt at all!

Best to hit the shops early to avoid the crush though...