Walk the Walk

Sunday, 20 February 2005 14:03


Difficulties in walking affect a number of people with arachnoiditis. A few
become wheelchair bound.

The dynamics of walking are complex and beyond the scope of this article.

I will merely outline some of the commoner causes of walking difficulty seen in arachnoiditis patients.

Broadly speaking, there are 2 types of deficit: ?primary errors' and useful ?substitutions'; i.e. the latter is a compensatory change in gait.

Gait deficits include:

These problems cause:

Types of gait disorder:

"Treatment is indicated when the compensations are inadequate or when they produce penalties in energy cost, joint strain, or muscle overuse." ([1])

Treatment involves appropriate physiotherapy/walking aids.

[1] Perry J 1990 Pathological Gait. Instructional Course Lectures, 39, 325